Publications (by date)

Preprints & Papers under Review

Online Bayesian Recommendation with No Regret

Robustness of Online Inventory Balancing to Inventory Shocks

Robust Dynamic Staffing with Predictions

Online Job Assignment

Confusion Matrix Design for Downstream Decision-Making

Journal Articles

Batching and Optimal Multi-stage Bipartite Allocations

Near-optimal Bayesian Online Assortment of Reusable Resources

Two-stage Stochastic Matching and Pricing with Applications to Ride Hailing

Controlling Epidemic Spread: Reducing Economic Losses with Targeted Closures

Conference Proceedings

Price of Non-Discrimination in Public Combinatorial Contracts

Mobility Data in Operations: The Facility Location Problem

Strategic Budget Selection in a Competitive Autobidding World

Rationality-Robust Information Design: Bayesian Persuasion under Quantal Response

Dynamic Pricing and Learning with Bayesian Persuasion

Online Resource Allocation with Buyback: Optimal Algorithms via Primal-Dual

Simple Mechanisms for Agents with Non-linear Utilities

Competitive Information Design for Pandora's Box

Online Bayesian Recommendation with No Regret

Near-optimal Bayesian Online Assortment of Reusable Resources

Bias-Variance Game

Revelation Gap for Pricing from Samples

Batching and Optimal Multi-stage Bipartite Allocations

Two-stage Stochastic Matching with Applications to Ride Hailing

Global Concavity and Optimization in a Class of Dynamic Discrete Choice Models

Optimal Auctions vs. Anonymous Pricing: Beyond Linear Utility

An End-to-end Argument in Mechanism Design (Prior-independent Auctions for Budgeted Agents)